Optical Dispensers

AAOO aims to deliver professional development programs that reaches beyond the scope of TAFE, other RTO’s and undergraduate optometry and vision science programs delivering optical and ophthalmic optics education in Australia. Our sequence of short modules will take graduates from the current Certificate IV and develop their knowledge of optics and lens design, giving stronger, more effective Optical Dispensers who can deliver premium patient care.


Effective Optometric practitioners recognise that the patient experience does not end at the consulting room door. Developing a strong understanding of the application of ophthalmic dispensing is an indispensable part of a successful practice by ensuring the accurate and appropriate realisation of the Optometric consultation. Integration into the patient experience is enhanced and the patient deliverables and patient profitability are refined through the development of Optical Dispensing from the viewpoint of Optometry and Optometric practice. In short, best practice recognises that the engagement with the patient reaches far beyond the consultation chair.


A unique offering from AAOO is ongoing mentorship and support as a part of the course modules. We offer packages giving varying levels of contact ranging from short term on demand consultations to weekly support meetings. In these meetings practitioners are able to present complex cases from their own daily work and discuss solutions specific to their needs, by giving context specific solutions we can tailor the education and support to each workplace and practitioner.

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There is no better time to start than right now.