Wednesday 22nd July 7.30pm AEST

Disruption with COVID-19 has provided an opportunity to reflect on the future and sustainability of optometry. This webinar discusses how advancements and research in ophthalmic optics and ocular biometry have helped in shifting public mindset from retail to clinical optometry and why this paradigm shift in optometric practice is important in future proofing the profession and in particular small businesses. The webinar has been accredited for 1 non-clinical CPD point.

Learning Objectives

  1. Understand the advancements and research coming out in ophthalmic optics and how this will shape future optometric care
  2. Use disruption as an opportunity for progression
  3. Utilise the current economic crisis to leverage change needed to protect optometric practices and the profession


Thao Hannaford has been working in optometry practices for 22 years, 20 of those as a qualified optometrist. She has a strong focus on primary care optometry and full scope ophthalmic practise. Her experience and mentorship have developed a number of talented optometrists within the industry.

Dean Robinson specialises in small businesses and in particular family businesses. His expertise in financial management, strategic planning and business growth solutions has enabled many family businesses to realise their full potential and futures.

Click here to access the recording of the webinar.

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